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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Die Theologie der Stoa

E-Book Die Theologie der Stoa

Stoic philosophy represents an important reference point for European cultural and intellectual history. This volume elucidates the impact of stoic philosophy on theology and the philosophy of…

Europäische Romantik

E-Book Europäische Romantik

This volume compiles essays on Scandinavian, German, English, and French Romanticism from the perspectives of history, art history, philosophy, visual arts, literary criticism, and musicology.…

Revisionen des Mythos

E-Book Revisionen des Mythos

Job has inspired German literature like no other Old Testament figure. This volume looks at variants of the story of Job, reading the Book of Job as a meta-myth about literature that has…

Der Amadisroman

E-Book Der Amadisroman

In the 16th century, the multi-volume chivalry romance Amadis conquered the still nascent book market and became a regular bestseller. Despite its early popularity, German research has tended to…

Anorganische Chemie

E-Book Anorganische Chemie

This is the perfect textbook for anyone who needs to develop a solid basic understanding of organic chemistry. It provides extensive information about the theoretical principles of inorganic…

Archaisches Lachen

E-Book Archaisches Lachen

The comic is crucial to every culture: mocking established values, transcending the boundaries of morals and proprieties, dodging the laws of accepted logic. Already in the Corinthian black…

Ostensio reliquiarum

E-Book Ostensio reliquiarum

The object analyzed here is the custom of the festival of relics (ostensio reliquiarum), at which the relics of a church were publicly displayed. On the basis of an examination of 24 late medieval…

Heidegger und Nietzsche

E-Book Heidegger und Nietzsche

Heidegger once wrote that he felt most affinity with Nietzsche, even if he was furthest removed from him in the question of being. This ambivalence determines the many years of Heidegger's…

Abschied vom Jahwisten

E-Book Abschied vom Jahwisten

The contributors to this volume on the literary and editorial history of the books from Genesis to Joshua present a collection of programmatic papers dealing with the history of research and…

Briefwechsel 1803 - 1804

E-Book Briefwechsel 1803 - 1804

Volume 7 contains Schleiermacher's correspondence from September 1803 until the middle of October 1804, the end of his time as Court Preacher in Stolp, Pommerania. Of the total of 291 letters in…


E-Book Kommentar

This factual volume brings to a conclusion more than 35 years of work on the Travelling Theatre Edition as part of the Editions of German Literature series. A comprehensive and detailed…

1812 - Juni 1815

E-Book 1812 - Juni 1815

The letters from 1812 to mid 1815 document a period of historical upheaval (the wars of liberation and the spread of nationalist thought in Germany) as well as incisive changes in the life of…

Der Schein des Seins

E-Book Der Schein des Seins

In his works Goethe not only creates symbols. He also creates heroes who create their own symbols. The »Lehrjahre« is a case in point. Here the protagonist invents the world, both consciously…

Autorität Freidank

E-Book Autorität Freidank

With reference to the reception accorded to Freidank, this study investigates the transformation of an historical author into a figure inscribed into cultural memory with a clearly delineated…


E-Book Gesangbuch

The facsimile of the Augsburg manuscript (1554) acquaints readers with the oldest known version of the texts and the melodies assembled in Adam Reißner's hymn book. As such, it is also the…

Lessings Skandale

E-Book Lessings Skandale

The volume is based on an eponymous conference by the Lessing Academy in Wolfenbüttel, September 2004. Praise for Lessing's character has been one of the central elements in the reception…

In Vertretung

E-Book In Vertretung

The adaptations of the Old Testament story of Joseph in baroque novels and Thomas Mann, Kafka's fictions of bureaucracy, clerk and employee literature in the Weimar Republic, the planning and…


E-Book Namenforschung

This introduction is designed to give both students of German and other languages and all those interested in onomastics a grounding in the central issues addressed by this discipline and the…


E-Book Frühneuhochdeutsch

This introduction is designed as a work-book. Alongside an outline of language history up to and including the period in question, it concentrates on the grammar and vocabulary of early New High…


E-Book PP-Extraktionen

This study pursues two objectives, a) to describe the distribution of the extraction of prepositional attributes, and b) to propose a theory explaining it. The description of the phenomenon…


E-Book Mehrfachadressierung

In linguistics, media studies and political science the analysis of communicative activity directed at a number of addressees is still widely undertaken on the basis of a simple dyadic model of…

Internationalismen II

E-Book Internationalismen II

This collection is a sequel to the volume published by the same editors and with the same title in 1990 (RGL 102, out of print). It assembles articles describing, with reference to the present…

Begründen im Gespräch

E-Book Begründen im Gespräch

The study examines the structure and function of explanatory practices (Begründen) in everyday German conversation. It indicates, among other things, the forms of explanation favoured by…

Apologien der Lust

E-Book Apologien der Lust

Instead of appealing to theory-formation and abstract classification, this study consciously uses close text analysis to examine secular German baroque poetry from a specifically problem-…

Erzähltes Theater

E-Book Erzähltes Theater

Exceptionally, perhaps, the study does not concentrate on the role of the theatre in the (German) bildungsroman. Instead, a comparative perspective is chosen to elucidate how and why European…


E-Book Menschenwissen

In the early modern age, religious knowledge was not limited to the prospective definition of metaphysical expectations. It served rather as the basis for reflection on, and normative…


E-Book Gelehrtentheater

In the present-day social sciences, the concept of 'social role' has just as well-defined a meaning as the 'cathartic method' or the 'dramatization of latent dream content' in psychoanalysis.…


E-Book Autokommunikation

»Auto-communication«. Strictly speaking, the title should be provided with a question mark: »Auto-communication«? Is there such a thing? Can people address linguistic signs to themselves? Of…

Erinnerung als Ritual

E-Book Erinnerung als Ritual

The discrepancy between the organized war-veteran culture and the development of overall German culture since the 1970s at the latest, the closely-defined ideological framework involved, and the…

Reichtum der Sprache

E-Book Reichtum der Sprache

The volume assembles 29 selected articles on Germanic studies (Germanistics) and linguistics by Helmut Henne from the period between 1968 and 2003. 'Germanistics' and 'linguistics' come together…

Aspekte des Fragens

E-Book Aspekte des Fragens

The study deals with syntactic and formal features of interrogative utterances, illocutionary and dialogic aspects of interrogative acts, and the lexical/semantic analysis of interrogative verbs…

Pressejournalismus in Korea

E-Book Pressejournalismus in Korea

The media landscape in Korea has changed considerably in recent years through rapid technological development and the creation of new media. At the same time, the competition between the leading…


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