eBooks vom Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Evolution der Ethik

E-Book Evolution der Ethik

There are conflicts in moral judgment between philosophies, between cultures, and even inside an individual conscience. This study takes an interdisciplinary approach focused on modern…

Briefwechsel 1809-1810

E-Book Briefwechsel 1809-1810

Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768–1834) engaged in extensive correspondence. This volume contains the letters from 1809 and 1810, which include, among others, the famous “…

Krieg mit dem Wort

E-Book Krieg mit dem Wort

This is the first monograph devoted to the widely disseminated 16th century 'Sermons on the Turk.' The work fills a gap in scholarship on the Turkish question in the Late Middle Ages and Early…

Episteme des Pikaresken

E-Book Episteme des Pikaresken

This is the first systematic study of the specific capacity of early picaresque novels to create and present knowledge. It analyzes the narrative structure of the novels and reconstructs and…

Analytica Priora Buch II

E-Book Analytica Priora Buch II

Volume III/2 of the German Aristotle edition contains the little-known second book of Aristotle’s Prior Analytics in a new German translation by Marko Malink and Niko Strobach, with an…

Kritische Theologie

E-Book Kritische Theologie

This volume examines the multifaceted origins of Paul Tillich’s “critical theology” during the Frankfurt years (1929–1933) from the perspectives of source and reception…

Der Zweck an sich selbst

E-Book Der Zweck an sich selbst

Although Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals is among the most interpreted of philosophical works, its core theorems still remain opaque. This is particularly the case for the 'end in…

Prokop von Gaza

E-Book Prokop von Gaza

The Genesis Commentary by Procopius of Gaza (465/470–526/530) is the first part of his major commentary on most of the historical books of the Old Testament (CPG 7430). For the first time…


E-Book Thermodynamik

What actually happens to a cutlet sizzling in the pan, or to the cauliflower in the saucepot? What physical and chemical processes are set off by heating? And what do we mean when we say…


E-Book Seehandelsrecht

This book presents the challenging field of maritime trade law in a manner which is highly structured and understandable. This examination focuses mainly on the complicated legal institutions of…

BBergG Bundesberggesetz

E-Book BBergG Bundesberggesetz

The reference work on federal mining law contains a comprehensive presentation of the entire law of mining currently applicable in Germany. It combines thorough research with clearly presented…


E-Book Hebräisch

This book is designed as an accompanying textbook for Hebrew instruction. It provides the student the greatest number of options for selecting and applying different teaching methods. The…

Die Josefsgeschichte

E-Book Die Josefsgeschichte

Using the methodology of redaction criticism, the study reconstructs the origins of the Joseph narrative. It reveals that the story only gradually developed into its present form. Even in its…

Die Josefsgeschichte

E-Book Die Josefsgeschichte

Using the methodology of redaction criticism, the study reconstructs the origins of the Joseph narrative. It reveals that the story only gradually developed into its present form. Even in its…

Der Gott des Gelages

E-Book Der Gott des Gelages

Images of Dionysos and his followers grace the painted drinking vessels of ancient Athens in their thousands. Against the background of revelry for which these vessels were produced, this volume…


E-Book Urheberrecht

The textbook uses a three-stage didactic model to develop and expand the reader’s knowledge of copyright law. It covers current issues in copyright law with consideration of case law from the…

Images of Shame

E-Book Images of Shame

At the zone of intersection between imagery, law, and the economy, the defamatory image is charged with a particularly explosive significance. Initially used as a judicial means of punishing…

Menschen und Heroen

E-Book Menschen und Heroen

The widespread worship of heroes and ancestors in ancient Mediterranean cultures does not seem to have existed north of the Alps. Is this merely a gap in the research or a fundamental difference in…

Anthropologie und Moral

E-Book Anthropologie und Moral

Anna Wehofsits's study on Kant's moral anthropology examines the conditions for achieving moral action, and strives to expand our understanding of Kantian moral philosophy. According to Kant,…

Reise in die Welt der Sinne

E-Book Reise in die Welt der Sinne

Our world is made up of multilayered systems whose complexity requires creative modes of action. Creative minds will be increasingly in demand, and thus, many people see creativity as essential for…

Gegen den Stand der Dinge

E-Book Gegen den Stand der Dinge

Die Publikation 'Gegen den Stand der Dinge' reflektiert eine aktuelle Verschiebung in der musealen Auseinandersetzung mit materieller Kultur. Denn in den letzten Jahren sind die Dinge in Museen…

Hegels 'Lehre vom Wesen'

E-Book Hegels 'Lehre vom Wesen'

„Die Lehre vom Wesen“ gehört zu den schwierigsten Texten der Hegelschen Philosophie. Diskutiert wird meist nur der erste Abschnitt, der Hegels Theorie des Widerspruchs enthält.…

Hermeneutik des Gesichts

E-Book Hermeneutik des Gesichts

This volume is dedicated to the genre of portrait across various media and its entire thematic range, from the middle-ages up to our time. Case studies by international authors examine a broad…

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

E-Book Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Studies of Rousseau generally concentrate on the social-theoretical rather than the institutional aspects of his thought. This work offers a complementary perspective, focusing on Rousseau’s…

Die Jugend des Dionysos

E-Book Die Jugend des Dionysos

The Ampelos episode is a critical scene in the Dionysiaca of Nonnos, the Late Antique poet. The death and transfiguration of the satyr Ampelos lends Dionysus his principal attributes – the…

Geschichte erzählen

E-Book Geschichte erzählen

The theoretical field of fictional and factual narrative has become ubiquitous in recent years. This study offers a critical analysis of the most important approaches. Using the example of…


E-Book 2013-2015

The Georg Büchner Yearbook is intended as a forum for taking stock and for innovation, reflection, discussion, source documentation, and rapid communication, for debate and consensus, and to…

Das Bauernjahr

E-Book Das Bauernjahr

How did the agricultural year look in ancient times? Palladius's influential work on agriculture in late antiquity provides a detailed answer. It was widely disseminated during the Middle Ages and…

Synonymie und Ersetzbarkeit

E-Book Synonymie und Ersetzbarkeit

This book promulgates the thesis that - apart from some easily explained exceptions - the substitution of synonyms in a sentence does not affect its truth or falsehood. Maik Sühr carefully defends…

Raum und Wissen

E-Book Raum und Wissen

Die Studie untersucht den Gebrauch von Diagrammen zu Erkenntniszwecken. Anhand der Schlüsselszenen von euklidischer Geometrie und spätmittelalterlicher Physik zeigt sie, wie…

Religiöse Toleranz

E-Book Religiöse Toleranz

1,700 years ago, the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius granted religious freedom – even and particularly for Christianity. The religious policy of Constantine is often associated…

Das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom

E-Book Das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom

The harmful sequelae of alcoholism in pregnancy in the unborn child are still largely unknown. The second edition presents Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD…

Praktische Theologie

E-Book Praktische Theologie

Das Lehrbuch gibt einen Überblick über das gesamte Gebiet der Praktischen Theologie. Ihr Gegenstand, die Kommunikation des Evangeliums, wird in seinen empirischen Bedingungen und…

Gattung und Geschlecht

E-Book Gattung und Geschlecht

Around 1700, German novels featured chivalrous narratives with female protagonists, but only went on to become a 'literary genre' in the 18th century. This study analyzes for the first time the…


E-Book Sachenrecht

Property law is a key element of constitutional and non-constitutional legal protection. Within the legal system as a whole, property law covers such specific areas as the attribution of rights to…

Der Kommentar zum Hohelied

E-Book Der Kommentar zum Hohelied

Hieronymus claimed that Origen had even surpassed himself in his Commentary on the Song of Songs. Origen interprets the love between bride and bridegroom as the relationship between the Holy Word and…


E-Book Statistik

This book is designed for individuals who work with statistics who also have knowledge of computer programming. Often, computer scientists only understand theoretical relationships once they…


E-Book Exodus

Die Erzählung vom Auszug aus Ägypten gehört zu den zentralen und für die kollektive Identität Israels grundlegenden Überlieferungen, die sich im Buch Exodus verdichten, aber auch die gesamte…

Koinotaton Doron

E-Book Koinotaton Doron

This volume offers a series of essays on the political and economical history, historical topography, palaeography, literature (historiography, epistolography) and philosophy of the late Byzantine…

Emblematik der Zukunft

E-Book Emblematik der Zukunft

Literary utopias are a vehicle for a special kind of cultural communication. Literary visions are of particular importance in anticipating the future and in contrasting reality and possibility…

Nietzsche und Wagner

E-Book Nietzsche und Wagner

This volume documents the cultural-philosophical, aesthetic, and political dimensions of the confrontation between Nietzsche and Wagner: their conflicting relationship from Nietzsche's initial…


E-Book Relativismus

Does relativism challenge the rationality of philosophy, science, and culture? This book is intended as a critical introduction to the complex question of relativism. It explores the term and its…

Humanismus: Grundbegriffe

E-Book Humanismus: Grundbegriffe

Humanism is a cultural movement, an educational program, an epoch, a tradition, a world view, a form of practical philosophy, and a basic political attitude that is called upon for the implementation…

Das Skillslab ABC

E-Book Das Skillslab ABC

This book is a step-by-step illustrated guide to medical examination techniques that are taught through Skillslab courses. It offers assistance with diagnosis and describes the indications and…

Teile und Teilhabe

E-Book Teile und Teilhabe

Are ideas or forms truly conceptualized by Plato as 'singular,' as not consisting of parts? Absolutely not! The author shows that besides the relationship of participation to forms, the relation…

Computational Physics

E-Book Computational Physics

Drawing on examples from various areas of physics, this textbook introduces the reader to computer-based physics using Fortran. It elucidates a broad palette of topics, including fundamental…


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