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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Mehrwertige Logik

E-Book Mehrwertige Logik

Wie die gesamte Logik der neueren Zeit, so befindet sich auch die mehrwertige Logik im Bereich sowohl mathematisch orientierter als auch philosophisch motivierter Betrachtungen. Soll daher ein…


E-Book Arzneimittelforschung

How do ideas and inventions develop into innovations in the marketplace? This book offers a scientific perspective on the necessary steps and conditions that enable the timely development of…


E-Book 1631-1639

This third volume completes the Latin works of Martin Opitz. It includes writings from the last decade of Opitz’s life (1631–1639) and mainly focuses on the short epic Ratispona…

Erzählen im Raum

E-Book Erzählen im Raum

Far from being a modern invention, virtual space is a characteristic element of the courtly epic of the High Middle Ages. The performative act of narration engenders two virtual spaces, the…

Technische Optik

E-Book Technische Optik

This textbook is intended for students in their third or fourth semester of engineering studies at universities of applied technology. It covers the fundamental principles of light and its…

Physik und Poetik

E-Book Physik und Poetik

Physik und Literatur sind zwei Erkenntnisweisen der Welt, die sich ergänzen und bedingen. Poetisch-physikalische Schreibweisen und Metaphern in physikalischen Theorien sind zwei Seiten…


E-Book Mechanik

Richard P. Feynman is the undisputed master when it comes to presenting physics in a stimulating and interesting way. In his legendary lectures, Feynman succeeded in presenting physics in an…

Struktur der Materie

E-Book Struktur der Materie

In seinen legendären Vorlesungen aus dem Jahre 1965 ist es Richard P. Feynman gelungen, die Physik in einer leichtverständlichen Form darzustellen, ohne dabei auf Genauigkeit zu verzichten. Der…

Mietausfälle vermeiden

E-Book Mietausfälle vermeiden

This work aims to prevent errors during the rental process, to show involved parties how to protect themselves in advance and to explain how a clever defense strategy can be applied if anything…


E-Book Verbraucherleitbilder

Politicians, legislators, academics, and consumer lawyers all base their regulatory interventions on a particular concept of the consumer. These proceedings of the General Concept of the…

Bild - Raum - Handlung

E-Book Bild - Raum - Handlung

Images are more than just objects to be observed. In all periods they have had a direct influence on the way we perceive things and act, in particular in the course of ceremonies. In this volume…

Daily Production

E-Book Daily Production

Using traditional clothing as an example, Daily Production focuses on the relationship between tradition and renewal, cultural differences and global economies. What is the current status of…

Pragmatische Syntax

E-Book Pragmatische Syntax

Pragmatic Syntax is a research program deriving the explanation of the syntactic form of utterances from underlying principles of speech action. This enables it to focus on linguistic phenomena…


E-Book Hermann-Broch-Handbuch

Considering his literary works – especially his novels – together with his writings on literature, philosophy, and politics, Hermann Broch is one of the most innovative German-…

§§ 724-802l

E-Book §§ 724-802l

Die Kommentierung umfasst neben der Zivilprozessordnung auch die relevanten Nebengesetze (wie EGZPO, GVG, KapMuG und MediationsG) sowie das europäische und internationale Zivilprozessrecht…

Bilder der Rechtsprechung

E-Book Bilder der Rechtsprechung

This work is the first systematic and comparative examination of political paintings in Italian local government and judicial chambers in the 13th and 14th centuries. Drawing on the perspectives…

Vom Nutzen der Editionen

E-Book Vom Nutzen der Editionen

This book includes 30 specialized articles devoted to the benefits of editions. They share a strongly interdisciplinary approach: while a major focus is on ancient and modern German studies…

Psalterium Betulianum

E-Book Psalterium Betulianum

This volume edits and comments on 151 spiritual poems by Sigmund von Birken (1626–1681). The poems are accompanied by textual criticism, historical contextualization, and placed in their…

Wendejahr 1995

E-Book Wendejahr 1995

In 1995, fifty years after the end of the war and five years after Germany's reunification, a remarkable number of literary works were published and later canonized. In retrospect, they are…

50 Jahre Aktiengesetz

E-Book 50 Jahre Aktiengesetz

Das Aktiengesetz 1965 feiert 2015 seinen fünfzigsten Geburtstag. Dieses Jubiläum bot den Anlass, im Rahmen eines Symposions die bewegte Entwicklungsgeschichte dieses für die Ordnung der…

Ilse Aichingers Lyrik

E-Book Ilse Aichingers Lyrik

Ilse Aichinger's legacy in the German Literary Archive in Marbach has yielded around a hundred unpublished poems and sketches for poems along with many preliminary drafts. The study places them in…

Antike Lebenswelten

E-Book Antike Lebenswelten

This book offers multiple perspectives on major aspects of private and public life in the world of ancient Rome and Greece. Along with studies from papyrology, a focus is placed on other…

Isaac Breuer (1883-1946)

E-Book Isaac Breuer (1883-1946)

The focus of this study, the religious scholar Isaac Breuer (1883-1946), is one of the most important figures in 20th century German-Jewish neo-orthodoxy. Like many of his contemporaries, Breuer…


E-Book Quantenmechanik

John Bell's lectures have played an extraordinary part in our contemporary understanding of quantum concepts and their limited applicability to classical ideas of space, time, and location.…

Avalon, 66° Nord

E-Book Avalon, 66° Nord

Egeler has produced the first scholarly treatise about the mythical kingdoms of Ódáinsakr und Glæsisvelir that fully examines the relevant materials and places them in the larger context of…


E-Book 1.1.-30.6.2012

The series Decisions in Church Cases since 1946 (KirchE) publishes judgments rendered by public courts in Germany on general religious law and on the relationship between church and state.…

Pi - Ypsilon

E-Book Pi - Ypsilon

This encyclopaedia, compiled around 530 AD, is more or less the Byzantine Encyclopaedia Britannica of the ancient world. It lists some 3,600 names of places, mountains, lakes, rivers, waters…

Bankvertragsrecht 1

E-Book Bankvertragsrecht 1

The first portion of the partial volume on Bank Contract Law elucidates the legal framework for the banking business. It discusses the fundamentals of regulatory law, examines institutions and…


E-Book 'Violenza'

Violence is omnipresent in Michelangelo’s work and in the myth of the artist; it is a visual subject and narrative figure that points to the processes of creation and reception. Starting…

Bankrechtstag 2015

E-Book Bankrechtstag 2015

Banking Law Day 2015 in Frankfurt am Main addresses such topics as 'consumer protection and institutional regulation,' and 'current legal questions in prospectus liability.' Lecturers from academia…

BBergG Bundesberggesetz

E-Book BBergG Bundesberggesetz

The reference work on federal mining law contains a comprehensive presentation of the entire law of mining currently applicable in Germany. It combines thorough research with clearly presented…

Identität von Personen

E-Book Identität von Personen

Persons regard themselves as individuals, ascribe characteristic features to themselves, mentally project episodes of their lives, and think about themselves. This book provides a philosophical…

Predigten 1820-1821

E-Book Predigten 1820-1821

Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834) had a unique ability to enthrall his contemporaries from the pulpit. This volume of the Complete Critical Edition contains sermons for 106 dates from…


E-Book Lesen

Our society, focused on media, communication, and knowledge, has been paying more and more attention to topics such as reading, reading comprehension, and reading competency. Ever since the PISA…


E-Book Lizenzvertragsrecht

No engagement with intellectual property rights is complete without a thorough understanding of how they can be utilized through licensing. One’s initial encounter with license contract…


E-Book Logik

This long-awaited critical edition of the 277-page unpublished manuscript of notes oflectures given by Twardowski at the University of Vienna in 1894/95 provides a detailed overview of 19th-…

Ekkehart IV. von St. Gallen

E-Book Ekkehart IV. von St. Gallen

Ekkehart IV of Saint Gall (c.980–c.1060) was the favorite pupil of Notker III (Notker der Deutsche). This volume seeks to critically reevaluate earlier research and to open new perspectives on…

Quarks and Letters

E-Book Quarks and Letters

Fragen und Antworten der Hirnforschung, Quantenmechanik oder Evolutionstheorie gehen in Romane ein, und Physiker oder Biologen verwenden rhetorische Sprachbilder, um ihre Erkenntnisse zu…


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