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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

§§ 300-329

E-Book §§ 300-329

Now in its fourth edition, the Wieczorek/Schütze legal commentary is a virtual institution in the field of civil procedure. This fourteen-volume guide once again sets the standard for legal…

Einleitung; §§ 1-23

E-Book Einleitung; §§ 1-23

Now in its fourth edition, the Wieczorek/Schütze legal commentary is a virtual institution in the field of civil procedure. This fourteen-volume guide once again sets the standard for legal…

Dämonenglaube im Islam

E-Book Dämonenglaube im Islam

The belief in demons is widespread in Islamic societies. Demons are frequently cited in the Koran and the Words of the Prophet. The author traces their history using Arabic and Persian sources.…

Fenestra prospectiva

E-Book Fenestra prospectiva

Vistas across the land, the landscape, and the garden are a particular hallmark of the Italian palaces and villas of the early modern era. The author of this book provides the first detailed…

§§ 803-863

E-Book §§ 803-863

Die Kommentierung umfasst neben der Zivilprozessordnung auch die relevanten Nebengesetze (wie EGZPO, GVG, KapMuG und MediationsG) sowie das europäische und internationale Zivilprozessrecht…

Kriminalität erzählen

E-Book Kriminalität erzählen

Since the 1980s, philologists have cooperated with penal, social, and cultural historians to unearth factual and fictional interrelationships in stories about criminality. This volume presents…

Theologie der Gefühle

E-Book Theologie der Gefühle

Moods, emotions, and feelings play a central part in religious life. How can theological reflection take this emotional dimension into account? What characterizes the particular nature of…

Kants Theorie der Erfahrung

E-Book Kants Theorie der Erfahrung

What makes advances in experience possible? Does this question demand a metaphysical, fundamentally epistemological, or scientific response? The volume discusses Kant's notion of experience from…

Der bedrohte David

E-Book Der bedrohte David

In 1 Sam 16 to 1 Kings 2, David is depicted as repeatedly endangered and threatened. This study is the first examination of these texts as a whole. The centrality of the motif of David in danger…

Verteidigung als Angriff

E-Book Verteidigung als Angriff

The provocations for scholarly disputes during the early modern period are as diverse as their objects of contention. Yet these often-polemical exchanges reveal a common feature: they are…

Hongkong, Macau und Kanton

E-Book Hongkong, Macau und Kanton

In 1933, the German architect and China scholar Ernst Boerschmann visited the cities of Hong Kong, Macau and Canton (Guangzhou) and documented their transformation into functionally divided…

Orthodoxie im Dialog

E-Book Orthodoxie im Dialog

Der vorliegende Band beleuchtet den Dialog orthodoxer Kirchen in ihrer historischen wie aktuellen Vielfalt. 'Dialog' wird dabei in einem umfassenden Sinne verstanden: Er schließt neben dem…

Das poetische Werk

E-Book Das poetische Werk

Count Hugo of Montfort (1357 - 1423), Lord of Bregenz and First Minister of Styria, left a considerable body of literature. Forty texts have been preserved, consisting of songs, letters, and…

Klonieren beim Menschen

E-Book Klonieren beim Menschen

[The Usage of Cloning Techniques on Humans] In various states, criteria for ethical decisions on the application of cloning techniques in the human field are taken as the basis for relevant…

Wink und Wandlung

E-Book Wink und Wandlung

The consummate musicality of the verse in Rilke's 'Sonnets to Orpheus' stems from a blend of sophisticated craftmanship and poetological originality, as this study sets out to demonstrate. A…

Autobiographien von Frauen

E-Book Autobiographien von Frauen

The present collection of conference papers focuses on a notorious lacuna in research on autobiography, as autobiographies by women have in the past been neglected to an unconscionable degree.…

Grundlagen der Union

E-Book Grundlagen der Union

Neben den „klassischen' Themen des allgemeinen Unionsrechts – den vertraglichen Grundlagen und der institutionellen Ordnung, der Mitgliedschaft in der Union, der Zustä…

Politiken der Union

E-Book Politiken der Union

Der Band behandelt – umfassend und zugleich hochaktuell – die wichtigsten, auch für die rechtswissenschaftliche Ausbildung relevanten, Politikfelder der „neuen' Europ…

Anorganische Chemie

E-Book Anorganische Chemie

This modern textbook stands out from other standard textbooks. The framework for the learning units is based on fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry, such as symmetry, coordination, and…

BWL für Mediziner

E-Book BWL für Mediziner

Informatively tailored to medical requirements, doctors can acquire the relevant aspects of business management with the assistance ofthis textbook. The author has designed a learning program…

Kunstwerte im Wandel

E-Book Kunstwerte im Wandel

Obwohl der materielle Wert von Kunst vielfach zum Thema einer sensationsheischenden Presseberichterstattung gemacht wird, widmet sich die Kunstgeschichtsschreibung diesem Phänomen eher selten. Doch…

Lateinische Oralität

E-Book Lateinische Oralität

This book investigates the use and function of Latin as a medium of oral communication in the Middle Ages- the occasions for Latin conversational interaction, the content of learned oral…


E-Book Diskursethik

Das durch die Arbeiten von Karl-Otto Apel und Jürgen Habermas initiierte Forschungsprogramm der Diskursethik hat die Perspektive einer philosophischen Neubegründung der Moral eröffnet. In den…

Johann Rist (1607-1667)

E-Book Johann Rist (1607-1667)

The studies collected in this volume examine previously undervalued and undiscovered aspects of Rist's multi-facetted oeuvre. In a series of essays, renowned authors from the fields of literary…

'Illegale Fans'

E-Book 'Illegale Fans'

Fan art is an aspect of creative mass culture that is enjoying great popularity in the digital era. Yet fan art stands in conflict with copyright law, and is thus a subissue in the broader legal…

Zeiten erzählen

E-Book Zeiten erzählen

Time and narrative are inseparably connected: there can be no narrative without time, and no time without narrative. Beyond this systemic relationship, which has been a favorite concern of…

Klugheit bei Kant

E-Book Klugheit bei Kant

Situated between pure practical reason and mere technical-practical skillfulness, prudence risks falling into the margins for Kant. This book seeks to discover a systematic place for prudence in…

Regionale Alltagssprache

E-Book Regionale Alltagssprache

Die Studie ist in dem bisher nur begrenzt fruchtbar gemachten Überlappungsbereich von Gesprächslinguistik und Areallinguistik angesiedelt und zielt auf die Etablierung eines alternativen Zugangs zu…

Käte Hamburger

E-Book Käte Hamburger

Käte Hamburger is a major creative force in modern literary studies. Her theoretical work has contributed substantially to advancing the modernization and scientification of philology. Yet the…


E-Book Märtyrerliteratur

In their functions as memorial and devotional literature, the “Acts of the Martyrs”, are generally read as historical protocols. They are an access point for understanding the…

Liturgie und Literatur

E-Book Liturgie und Literatur

Liturgy and literature have had a complex historical relationship. This applies equally to theculture of the Middle Ages, so heavily influenced by Christianity,as well as to the modern era. This…

Literarischer Stil

E-Book Literarischer Stil

The issue of “style” has thus far played a minor role in the intensive debates regarding the historical poetics of medieval vernacular literature, even though it is such a critical…

Beute und Triumph

E-Book Beute und Triumph

For the first time, this book presents a comprehensive history of the spoils of war from Old Testament evidence of the Battle of Megiddo through the pre-Napoleonic period. It gives special…


E-Book Überlieferungsgeschichten

R.W. Brednich, the principal editor of the Encyclopedia of the Fairy Tale and best-selling author of legendary tales, presents 26 cultural historical studies that specifically address medial…


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