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Combining Technical and Fundamental Trading Strategies

Profits, Market Reactions, and Use by Professional Investors

AutorUte Bonenkamp
VerlagGabler Verlag
Seitenanzahl160 Seiten
Preis40,00 EUR
Ute Bonenkamp focuses on the combination of two methods of investing: technical trading according to past changes in stock price and fundamental trading according to fundamental information. Using the technical momentum and the fundamental operating cash flow strategies as examples, she empirically shows that combining these two ways of investing is highly profitable.

Dr. Ute Bonenkamp received her doctoral degree at the University of Cologne. Her supervisor was Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg from the Department of Management Accounting.

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Table of Contents10
List of Figures13
List of Tables15
List of Abbreviations17
List of Symbols19
Latin Symbols19
Greek Symbols23
Further Symbols24
1 Introduction25
1.1 Motivation and Research Questions25
1.2 Structure of the Thesis28
2 Basics about Technical and Fundamental Trading29
2.1 Efficient Markets versus Active Trading29
2.2 Technical Trading Strategies32
2.2.1 Technical Trading at a Glance32
2.2.2 The Price Momentum Strategy Jegadeesh and Titman (1993)34
2.3 Fundamental Trading Strategies37
2.3.1 Fundamental Trading at a Glance37
2.3.2 The Operating Cash Flow Strategy Sloan (1996)39
2.4 Combination of Technical and Fundamental Trading43
2.4.1 Potential of Combining Fundamental and Technical Trading43
2.4.2 Related Literature44
3 Combination of Momentum and Operating Cash Flow Strategies46
3.1 Idea and Motivation46
3.2 Profits of the Pure and Combination Strategies48
3.2.1 Methodology and Sample48
3.2.2 Empirical Results and Discussion54
3.3 Decomposition of the Outperformance59
3.3.1 Introduction and Methodology59
3.3.2 Empirical Results and Discussion63
3.4 Alternative Explanations for the Combination Effect65
3.4.1 Extremity of Momentum and Operating Cash Flows65
3.4.2 Earnings Surprises, Accrual Anomaly, and Idiosyncratic Risk66
3.5 Practicability of the Trading Strategies71
3.5.1 Portfolio Size71
3.5.2 Stock Size72
3.5.3 Stock Liquidity74
3.5.4 Success after Trading Costs75
3.6 Summary and Conclusion77
4 A Closer Look at the Market Reactions79
4.1 Introduction and Motivation79
4.2 Preliminary Analysis: Reference Trading Strategy81
4.3 Market Reactions in the Short Term85
4.4 Returns Surrounding Earnings Announcements91
4.5 Influence of Investor Attention98
4.6 Market Reactions in the Long Term104
4.7 Summary and Conclusion110
5 Fundamental and Technical Trading by Mutual Funds113
5.1 Introduction and Motivation113
5.2 Framework for the Mutual Fund Analysis115
5.3 Stock Universe of Mutual Funds122
5.4 Pursuit of the Trading Strategies127
5.5 Success of the Trading Strategies144
5.6 Decomposition of Mutual Fund Returns157
5.7 Summary and Conclusion163
6 Concluding Remarks165
6.1 Summary of Results165
6.2 Limitations and Propositions for Future Research167

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