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eBooks vom Verlag: De Gruyter Mouton
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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: De Gruyter Mouton
Gehard Ernst is Professor emeritus at the Universität Regensburg, Germany. Martin-Dietrich Glessgen is Professor at the Universität Zürich, Switzerland. Christian Schmitt…
Vilmos Ágel, University of Kassel, Germany, Ludwig M. Eichinger, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany, Hans Werner Eroms, University of Passau, Germany, Peter Hellwig,…
Die Reihe HANDBÜCHER ZUR SPRACH- UND KOMMUNIKATIONSWISSENSCHAFT erschließt einen Wissensbereich, der sowohl die allgemeine Linguistik und die speziellen, philologisch orientierten…
Mit dem systematischen Einsatz der Sprachanalyse bei der Behandlung philosophischer Probleme kommt es in den letzten hundert Jahren zu einer sich ständig beschleunigenden Entwicklung der…
Mit dem systematischen Einsatz der Sprachanalyse bei der Behandlung philosophischer Probleme kommt es in den letzten hundert Jahren zu einer sich ständig beschleunigenden Entwicklung der…
Aufgabe des Handbuchs Medienwissenschaft ist es, das aktuelle Wissen über die Medien in großer Breite, in Aktualität wie in historischer Sicht zusammenzustellen. Es hat aber auch das Ziel, die…
Die Medienwissenschaft beschäftigt sich mit den Medien und Kommunikationsformen bzw. -techniken, insbesondere mit den Massenmedien und Massenkommunikationsmitteln. Es handelt sich dabei um…
Which loan words exist in current German, what is their origin and what role do they play within the German vocabulary as a whole? For the first time, this book describes in a systematic…
This textbook presents the first introduction in German to discourse linguistics. It provides an initial entry-point to an area of linguistics which has become established since the 1990s and…
This is the 2nd edition of the successful textbook on phonology, which has been updated, expanded and improved. The bibliography has also been updated, and the number of diagrams and graphics…
This textbook is a basic introduction to phonetics as a subdiscipline of general linguistics. All areas of phonetics are presented in depth (phonation, articulation, acoustics, perception, etc.),…
Both inside and outside Germany, the volume presented here has figured for more than three decades among the generally acknowledged standard works on speech training in German. In this new,…
Frame semantics is an important recent development in linguistic theory that links linguistics, cognitive psychology, general cognitive science, and AI research. This handbook-style introductory…
This collection of essays on gender linguistics presents various perspectives on practices of linguistic construction of gender identity. The articles describe current methodological and…
This volume takes the view that globalization is not a recent phenomenon, but instead an enduring process, marked by four periods of accelerated change. The Early Modern period in European…
Which loan words exist in current German, what is their origin and what role do they play within the German vocabulary as a whole? For the first time, this book describes in a systematic and…
This book is devoted to double forms of the perfect tense in the German language. The study is based on an extensive corpus of double formations of the perfect tense as they have been used over…
Working in the context of concrete research projects, this volume examines the advantages and limitations of various empirical methods in studies on second and foreign language acquisition in a…
In his book Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, first published in 1946, Erich Auerbach sought to examine the emergence of literary realism from a pan-European…
Despite a longstanding realization on the part of linguists of the important communicative function of non-verbal gestures there has been no linguistic modeling framework to analyze the…
This study draws on the theory and methodology of interactional linguistics to examine the effects of multilingualism on the syntax and prosody of young Germans of Turkish extraction in everyday…
Conceived as an introduction, this volume begins by discussing the theory and method of the view, shared by all construction grammar approaches, that a unity exists between linguistic form and…
This book provides a fundamental introduction to the recent theories of generative syntax, tailored to the needs of students of French, Italian, and Spanish. The aim of this approach is to…
That which incontrovertibly exists is presented discursively as a fact. Thus, factual knowledge is produced in discourses. This lends great relevance to discursive analysis, especially when the…
The subject of this annual volume for 2012 is the usage and forms of German as spoken by immigrants. The work addresses the acquisition of German as a second language, particularities in the…
In a series of individual essays, this volume presents the important contributors and major trends in the field of German linguistics and literary studies at the University of Leipzig from the…
This volume contains the correspondence (reports, directives) from the German Apostolic Nunciature sent between September 1578 and December 1581. These key documents from the Confessional Age…
With over 1,800 annotated maps, the Atlas of German Family Names draws together for the first time all of the family names that exist in the Federal Republic of Germany according to their…
This study explores the pathways of commerce by which Italian loanwords made their way into German and French in the Middle Ages and the early modern period (15th-18th cent.). It links culture-…
Terms and terminologies are central topics of terminology research, yet strategies of terminologization - that is, the introduction of terminological systems to specialized texts - have received…
While linguistics traditionally focused on a language use oriented towards the written norm, this bookemphasizes the interactional use of language. On a theoretical and empirical basis, the…
In the course of the French expansion around 1800 large territories were incorporated into the Empire and, one by one, affected by the reforms of the Revolution. This volume seeks to redefine…
The question of the conditions, forms, and impact of felicitous dialogue has arisen in the broadest range of academic disciplines in the 20th century. This book examines such normative…
This book establishes new criteria for defining the German linguistic landscape.The spatio-structural analysesresult in a data-driven model of historical dialects that contributes to our…
The graphic design of texts has become a linguistic object in its own right. To date, however, it has rarely been considered from a sociolinguistic perspective. The present volume attempts to…
The term “modality” encompasses a number of categories: modal verbs, modal particles, and confirmatory questions. This volume examines, on the one hand, the common features of basic…
An important aspect of the analysis of written language is to explain its relationship to spoken language. The volume focuses on how morphology influences forms of spelling. It brings together 8…
Communication between government authorities and immigrants is a topic of current relevance, posing difficulties for both sides. Drawing on 279 real conversations between immigrants and…
There has been relatively little previous research on the written language skills of older children with German as their second language. This study uses the theoretical perspective of written…
The author presents a longitudinal study on verb placement in children who spontaneously learned German as a second language. It compares the position of the verb in main and subordinate clauses…
The status of the German language has perhaps never aroused more heated debate: scholars argue that the language is in visible decline, that its lexicon and grammar are increasingly impoverished…
This book provides an in-depth introduction to the theory and practice of French lexicography. The main chapters are devoted to lexicology, lexicography, structures of lexicographic works, the…
Repeatedly, scholars have demanded that language, due to its materiality and performativity,be understood as a medium. Along these lines, this book provides a systematic foundationof a media…
The articles in this compendium take an interdisciplinary and international look at the broad academic concept and educational tradition of rhetoric, both as it was developed and transmitted…
The author examines the ways in which specialized language development teachers assess the linguistic skills of preschool children for whom German is a second language. In a longitudinal study,…
The new edition of this textbook provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to media linguistics. It presents basic terms in communication theory and describes the major linguistic…
The 2013 Annual of the Institute for the German Language provides a classification of discourse on language decline based on language history and variation linguistics. In addition, it offers an…
Water names carry specific evidence of linguistic history. The German Book of Water Names concentrates academic insight on German names of lakes and rivers and associated place names, and for…
How did German linguists think about Latin, the international lingua franca in the 17th and 18th centuries, and about Greek and Hebrew? Using wide-ranging sources and evidence, this study…
This study examines the phenomenon of Italian-Spanish multilingualism during the Regno di Napoli in the 16th century. This period is investigated as an example of multilingualism using a range of…
The contributions of this volume, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Institut für deutsche Sprache, discuss current trends in grammar research and grammaticography, lexicology and…
When and why are direct objects in Spanish marked with an “a”? This study investigates this question by considering inanimate objects that are normally unmarked, but require…
The 3rd edition of this basic work on German dialectology has been broadly revised, expanded, and updated. By incorporating the latest research literature, the new edition presents a…
Interest in the Spanish language and its regional varieties is increasing constantly. This book, aimed at students of Romance and Spanish Studies, gives a detailed description of American…
How does the Thai language manage textual structure without a system of articles, finite verb forms, or conjunctions, whereas in German, these are virtually indispensable? Using a theoretical…
This study examines the issue of substantive determination in German and Hungarian from a perspective that contrasts typologies. Starting from the semantic-pragmatic functions of the…
This study undertakes a detailed examination of the role of chaplains in the Kingdom of Sicily. It analyzes sources and terminology, the chaplains’ life circumstances and areas of activity…
Linguistic knowledge consists of a structured set of form-meaning pairs (constructions), which one can conceptualize as a network or “constructicon.” The essays in this volume engage…
This book covers the full range of aspects concerning the inflection and formation of words in German. It also discusses the structure of the ‘small’ parts of speech and takes…
This book analyses the content of doctors’ statements uttered before the actual diagnosis as well as their linguistic and interactional features and cognitive processes. Prediagnostic…
The essays in this volume address a range of problems in contrastive lexicography and present the current state of research as well as new trends in creating bilingual dictionaries. It adopts a…
Die Reihe HANDBÜCHER ZUR SPRACH- UND KOMMUNIKATIONSWISSENSCHAFT erschließt einen Wissensbereich, der sowohl die allgemeine Linguistik und die speziellen, philologisch orientierten…
This empirical study centers around the question as to how the learning of German as a second language (GSL) can be promoted in primary schools. Based on oral accounts and interactions, the…
This volume deals with the use of the local cases in Tocharian A and Tocharian B, Indo-European languages of the Tarim Basin, Eastern Central Asia, of the 7th - 9th centuries AD. Tocharian is…